Somatic Movement Education + Qigong

What does it mean to be aware of one’s body?

We can think about the body as separate from the mind, perceiving it as something we have and must take care of.  This is a conceptual relationship with the body as the object.

We also have the ability to feel and experience the body from within—our bodies tangibly feeling themselves. This is the meaning of body awareness.  We are both subject and object.

This understanding forms the basis of both Qigong and Somatic Therapies. We can learn the language of the body before it shouts out in pain.

What does it mean to move naturally?

Moving naturally means using the principles of alignment and the forces of gravity, levity (spring mechanisms), and momentum to our advantage. This might sound complicated, but we are born with these understandings; learning to walk is all about using these innate abilities intuitively. For a myriad of reasons, however, we develop habits that create stress, inefficiency and awkwardness in our everyday movements. The good news is that these habits can be reversed using the simple principles of alignment and efficient body mechanics.

Moving naturally helps you to do the things you enjoy doing better!