Saumya Comer is a powerful and subtle practitioner whose gentleness belies the transformative power of her work. I know hundreds of bodyworkers and Saumya's work ranks in the top five for healing effect. I left with balance, freedom, and a new way of understanding myself in relation to my physical circumstances.
George Russell, DC Bodyworker/Movement Specialist/ Chiropractor NYC
Last year I experienced a series of four severe falls in less than 5 months. I had even been tripping when walking across carpeting, a condition I learned later was related to an auto accident four years prior. I was very unsure of myself as I moved through the world and constantly feared falling. I had neurological exams done which indicated there were no neurological problems causing my falls. It was then that I was referred to Saumya Comer for bodywork and movement education.
The work is very subtle but powerful! She taught me how to change the way that I walk. The bodywork increased my flexibility and movement. As a result of the work we have done I have never fallen again. I stopped tripping and my confidence walking has returned entirely. I also am now able to walk distances without getting sore leg muscles. Totally unexpected side benefits include a lower stress level and that I now stand 1 1/4 inches taller than I did before we began.
I can heartily recommend Saumya’s work to anyone with balance problems or for anyone interested in improving their ease of movement.
Carmen, Portland, Oregon.
If it were not Saumya I would not be walking.
Gloria Hoffman age 94.
I have known Saumya for 5 years and rarely do I have the privilege of recommending someone in whom I have so much confidence. Let me explain.
We met when I was finally referred to her by my Naturopath, after more than a year of working without success with other specialists. I’d been an active runner for 25 years, and at 50 I was in the best shape I had been in since coaching gymnastics in my early 20’s. Suddenly, plantar fascitis reduced me to crawling when getting out of bed and gimping around for the rest of the day. Every day!
Working first with a chiropractor and then a sports podiatrist, I was told not to:
Walk without supportive shoes or boots
Run, jump, pivot, or twist
Walk on uneven terrain (rocks, gravel, chuckholes, etc.)
Lift or carry more than 15 pounds
After weekly appointments, various orthotics and treatments, and more than a year of this regime, the podiatrist finally concluded, as I watched my life slipping into premature and debilitated old age, that nothing more could be done. I would simply have to adjust.
When I told my Naturopath this, she related how Saumya had helped her with plantar fasciitis and that I had nothing to lose if I went to see her.
In my first appointment with Saumya, she listened patiently, observed me walk away from her and then toward her, then placed me on a massage table. Surely, I thought, nothing could be happening. Her touch was barely noticiable - no aches, no pains - and she didn’t even work on my bad foot. After an hour or so I got up, ready to write it off. I walked across the room.
My gait was normal! How could this be? That I was walking pain free was a miracle! A few more sessions and I was running again in less than a month. I immediately told everyone who would listen (and some who wouldn’t) that my youth had been returned thanks to Saumya, the ‘miracle worker!’
That was 5 years ago. The plantar fascitiis has never returned, and with an occasional tweaking by Saumya I am still running. it is not exaggerating to say that Saumya gave me back an important part of my life that I had lost. I will always be in awe of her skilful and compassionate ministrations.
Kent, Portland, Oregon