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Staying Supple with Fascial Stretching

4 week series Thursdays 4:30-6pm PT April 8 - April 29

How is fascial stretching different from the more familiar muscular stretching? Fascia is the connective tissue fabric that weaves us into alignment. When we slow down and focus on fascia we feel the whole body as one integrated flexible piece. We can then feel how the tensions in the hip joint are connected to the tensions in the elbow, the neck, stomach or anywhere else in the body. When we apply a graduated three dimensional tension to the Fascia's fibers we release the intrinsic muscles, the joints, the gross musculature, the nervous system, the digestive system and reciprocal tensions in far away places.  This deep and gentle focus supports the body's natural agencies to balance and realign itself.

Fee: $90  (CA $125  Europe  €90)

Live teaching on-line with Zoom + video recording
