Chi Nei Tsang (which translates to internal organ massage) was developed in ancient China for releasing tensions and stagnations in the internal organs. The Chi Nei Tsang practitioner uses refined palpation skills, focussed and specific massage movements, breath awareness, sensory awareness and internal sound vibration to help restore optimal functioning.
This two day workshop will focus on learning palpation skills and massage techniques for the diaphragm, lymphatic drainage, omentum, large and small intestines, stomach and liver. We will use body centered communication tools to best facilitate whole body integration.
Chi Nei Tsang helps to recalibrate the nervous systems, improve digestion, stimulate energy flow, balance the emotional landscape and cultivate greater vitality and well-being.
This workshop is open to massage therapists, acupuncturists and other health professionals.
Fee: $425 14 CEU
Location: Inner East side Portland
Saturday & Sunday 10am - 6pm
Maximum 6 students