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Gravity and Levity: Moving with Ease

Tuesdays 10:30-12 noon PST (19h30 - 21h CET)  March 1, 8, 15 & 22

or Thursdays 4:30-6pm  March 3, 9, 17 & 24

This series is for exploring the many ways we can invite graceful movement into our lives. We begin by tuning into our skeletal structure to feel the support of our bones. An interesting thing happens when we direct our attention to the deeper support of the skeleton, the muscles immediately recognize that they don't have to stay contracted for an upright alignment. The effect is a more balanced tonicity; for those who feel too earthbound a lightness arises and for those who feel too ungrounded a sense of solidness and connection to the earth ensues.

After our bones are back in our embodied consciousness we can begin to play with gravity and levity. Think of the graceful basketball player who first drops down through every joint before pushing off from the ground for a slam-dunk. This power from the ground, also called repousser and ground reaction force is available for our every movement when we understand how to use it. At the end of every class we will practice how to use gravity, levity and momentum in everyday activities such as bending, reaching, walking and sitting.

Class size will be held to a maximum of 8 participants so everyone will have individual guidance.

Fee: $90  (CA $100  Europe  €70)

Live teaching on-line with Zoom + video recording
